About Free ebooks

When publishing Hollow World, I retained my ebook rights in order to maximize distribution flexibility. I believe that if you’ve bought a royalty-producing print or audio version, then you have compensated me for my work and shouldn’t have to pay again for the ebook. Bottom line, I’d rather have you buy more books (by myself or other authors) than paying for the same book twice. In addition, my ebooks will be provided DRM-free because I think such controls do nothing to prevent piracy and only end up inconveniencing legitimate buyers.

So, if you buy a print or audio copy of Hollow World, you can receive a DRM-free ebook at no cost. If you purchase from Amazon, your free ebook will be delivered through their MatchBook program. For purchases on other venues, simply email me a copy of your electronic order, or a picture of your bookstore receipt, and I’ll send it out to you. For people who buy the ebook first, you can receive discounted print copies (signed and dedicated if you wish) from my website (www.riyria.com). Please keep in mind that sending ebook versions will be a manual process, and I’ll do my very best to send the ebooks promptly. If it doesn’t arrive right away, please be patient. Here is all the information you need to ensure the fastest delivery:

To: Michael.Sullivan.DC@gmail.com
Body of email: Please indicate what file format (or formats) you would prefer: pdf, mobi (Kindle), epub (NOOK, Kobo, and iPad), .lrf (Sony Reader), etc.

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